Handles nonce functionality. Requires the OP Endpoint URL nonces are to be associated with.
Located in /OpenID/Nonce.php (line 32)
Sets the OP endpoint URL, and optionally the clock skew and custom storage driver.
Creates a nonce, but does not store it. You may specify the lenth of the random string, as well as the time stamp to use.
Creates a nonce and also stores it.
Validates the syntax of a nonce, as well as checks to see if its timestamp is within the allowed clock skew
Checks to see if the response nonce has been seen before. If not, store it and then validate its syntax
Constant for the parameter used with OpenID 1.1 nonces in the return_to URL
Documentation generated on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 19:00:56 -0800 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3