Released Versions
Released Versions
The latest releases of tmda-cgi may be found in the download directory.
Releases are named tmda-cgi-X.XX.tgz where X.XX is the release
number. Typically you will want to download the most recent release (the one
with the largest X.XX). I am keeping a couple older releases around during
this period of rapid development, but these will most likely disappear once we
stabilize the code.
Release tgz's should be uncompressed into the directory where you plan to
keep tmda-cgi, typically in a directory parallel to your TMDA installation. In
other words, if you installed TMDA to /usr/local/src/tmda-Y.YY, then
I'd recommend you put tmda-cgi at /usr/local/src/tmda-cgi-X.XX:
$ cd /usr/local/src
$ tar -xzf tmda-cgi-X.XX.tgz
Before proceeding with the install, check the release
directory for any patches.
Patches are named patch-X.XX-YYYYMMDD where X.XX is the tmda-cgi
release number and YYYYMMDD is the date we created the patch.
Make sure you only apply patches with the same revision number as your
tmda-cgi release.
Typically, patches must be applied to files in tmda-cgi's root directory
(/usr/local/src/tmda-cgi-X.XX in the example above), however it is possible
that the patch is for code in another directory or even for a certain version
of TMDA to make it compatible with this tmda-cgi release. Always
read the comments at the top of a patch file before installing it. The
comments may give you more information about what the patch does, under what
conditions you may need it, and how it should be installed.
Patches are typically installed as such:
$ cd /usr/local/src/tmda-cgi-X.XX
$ patch < patch-X.XX-YYYYMMDD
If you like bleeding edge software, you can pull down the CVS copies either
from the SourceForge
Repository or the nightly snapshots.
If you are using non-released code, you should be reading the
tmda-cvs mailing list
to stay abreast of changes.